SmartGuard is the programmable communication GSM module supporting all GSM communication channels. The module can be installed on any moving object, such as trucks and cars, ships, etc. The parameters of the object required for the client are provided, the data on them is sent via GSM channels in real time:
1. Possibility to obtain on-board data on the condition of different aggregates, fuel level, vehicle’s rate and speed, coordinates, and other necessary information;
2. SmartGuard is built into the radio module. It allows up to four SmartTemp temperature sensors to be connected via wireless technology and up to four SmartSeal wireless electronic seals. These devices allow you to control the safety of goods shipped by road and the temperature of the vehicle. All these data are transmitted to the controller in real time and he can log into the problem in a timely manner;
3. remote control of the car (engine stop, disconnection of various units) – switching on / off the refrigerator, etc.);
4 determining the suitability of the driver / authorized driver for the location of the vehicle (eg opening and closing the loading mechanisms, opening doors, picking up passengers, etc.) and transferring information;
5. status messages (up to 10) fixation and sending from the car to the dispatcher point, for example – the landing is complete, the dispatching task is completed, the return to the object, etc .;
6. obtain all the above and other additional parameters in the user’s chosen time period (hour, day, month, year);
7. requesting remote data through a computer or mobile phone.
The list of messages can be changed or supplemented at the Customer’s request!
The data “history” is stored not only in the SmartMonitor dispatcher monitoring system, but also on the device itself. SmartGuard can save up to 100’000 entries.
All SmartGuard Series devices we design for data transmission are encrypted and protected from third parties.