SmartSeal is an electronic stamp. The equipment is a product of our company, designed to control the preservation of tangible values in moving objects during its transportation. The set consists of several separate independent devices:
Communication and monitoring (basic) module – SmartGuard with built-in GSM communication channel, GPS system, and with external device control unit (up to 8 units) over the radio channel. It is intended for the remote control and control of vehicles (equipped with SmartSeal electronic stamps). Data from external devices, through the communication and monitoring module, is transmitted to the controller structure that manages the traffic.
The code number is automatically generated and sent to the dispatcher at the opening or closing of each electronic seal. This number may be entered on the accompanying documents and the consignee will identify at the time of delivery. The controller remotely determines the discretion of the data to be dispatched.
If the unauthorized person open item (room, car) the controller will immediately receive a warning signal. At the same time, the place, date and time of the event are displayed on the electronic map.